Monthly Archives: March 2008

Objects Are Not Closer Than They Appear

In Bloomington, Indiana there is a University, namely Indiana University Bloomington. Near this Place of Higher Learneding there are Places of Higher Dwellering, where people sleep and copulate and make Cup ‘o Noodles over hot plates. Some of these hot plates are closer to campus than others, and thus are in high-demand. They are demand […]

The Gallery of The Awesome

Last night I welcomed upon you a great injustice, in that I described a number of truly awesome products without actually showing them to you. Tonight I hope to make things right and proper, and with the help of this “Multi-Media” tool will magic their images to you, with absolutely no post office, telegraph cables, […]


After two weeks of leading a jet-setter lifestyle, crisscrossing the country in economy class, and enjoying only the finest plastic cups of Canada Dry, I have returned home. Ahh, Hood River, where all the postal clerks know my name, I have the EDGE network all to myself, and there are no more than two places […]


Jake and I are obviously up to no good.