Monthly Archives: June 2007


Friday I traded some hours with Mark at the shop, scoring myself a three-hour lunch break that I split between eating and kiteboarding. The eating was good and the kiteboarding was okay… the wind was really light, and I only managed a few reaches before deciding it was best to come back in, and avoid […]


Jake and his dudes (and dudette) made it to the summit of Mount Hood. I’ve been hosting them here at my abode, and visiting upon them massive amounts of homebrew. All is appreciated. Tomorrow they set forth for the summit of Rainier. Meanwhile, ever since getting back to Hood River I’ve been working way too […]


I don’t know what to say, so pardon my obliqueness. When Kate told me the news I booked a flight back to Minnesota for the following day. That was a week ago last Friday. Kate and I went canoeing. We visited with friends. We went to the zoo. We picked strawberries. The service was this […]


Last week I went kiteboarding four days in a row, and I can now state with absolute confidence that I am a kiteboarder. I did make a second attempt at windsurfing, but after following that weak-sauce swim lesson with the best kiteboarding session of my life, my mind is now pretty much made up. While […]