Monthly Archives: December 2009

Slippery Slope

Tonight, Kate and I are playing a game. It is called the Don’t Drink the Bacon Grease game. The first person to drink the bacon grease loses the game. So far we’re both winning. But I think Kate might be pulling ahead.

Version Zwei

Apologies to any Germans in the audience for brutalizing your beautiful native tongue.

Going Indie

It’s barely December, but I’m so sick and tired of this semester that I’m already working on next year. Kate was nice enough to get me Phaeton as an early Christmas present, and so I’ve been working on the art direction for my independent study next year: This is gonna be a fun one.

Spirit of the Season

The $300 billion donated to charities last year cost the federal government more than $50 billion in lost tax revenue. Leave it to the New York Times to characterize charitable donations as a bad thing, because they reduce federal tax receipts.