Monthly Archives: September 2006


A few days ago it hit me for the first time that not only am I moving to Hood River, I am leaving Minneapolis. This makes me sad, as there are people and non-people here that I am really going to miss. Most of all, I’m going to miss Gus. He is my world (aside […]

Atlas Slouches

Today I went to IKEA and walked out with a couple tons of furniture, and I’m still recovering from the trauma of this occasion. Now, I love the concept of furniture. I think it’s great how in modern civilization we live in these rooms filled with all our stuff, and we have all this extra […]


Update: Well that was a short-lived romance! The client has replaced our gorgeous whirlwind design with a completely different one, with which we had absolutely no involvement. Such is the life of ninjas for hire. For the record, our website design looked like this. For the sake of inaccuracy and confusion (and a net increase […]


The application on my new place in Hood River went through, so I am now the proud lease-holder of… well… a lease. I’m moving into the upstairs unit of a duplex that in the last two years was completely remodeled with new applicances, new carpet, picture windows, a deck, and a killer view of the […]


It’s starting to gain traction. I sent in the applications today and if everything goes as planned, I’ll have a place to live in Hood River and I can start my grand exodus across the country on October 1st. I’m slowly rearming the cannons at Brainside Out and reconnecting with clients, and I’m learning that […]


Okay, I seem to be getting better at this “modern world” thing that people find so grand. I shaved my mohawk, then I shaved my head, and finally I shaved my beard (but that’s where I draw the line). I’ve started wearing shoes again, even though I have caverns in my feet that are a […]

Don’t Mess With Jesse Ventura

Hey. Figured I’d let ya’ll know that I’ve uploaded all my Yellowstone pictures to my Flickr account. Now go forth and be merry.

Wilderness Survival

I don’t think I have the survival skills necessary to live in civilization, anymore. I’ve been back amongst the world of thumping bass and flashing lights and extended middle fingers for nearly a week now, and I can’t yet say that my acclimatization has been successful. I run red lights. On purpose. Well, I don’t […]

End of the Beginning

Happy September. I assure you that I am not dead, that the Boundary Waters and the Superior Hiking Trail and Isle Royale and Yellowstone were all wildly unsuccessful at claiming my life. Not to say that there weren’t a few close calls… I almost broke off my hand when I dropped a canoe on it […]